The Valencia Shipwreck on the West Coast TrailA week after the wreck of the Valencia, The Daily Colonist of Victoria ran a cover story about the aftermath of the disaster and the horrific scenes that continued to be found. Sydney Van Wyck of San Francisco, who arrived by the tug Wyadda to search for his sisters body was interviewed about the experience. He described bodies found washed ashore terribly mutilated and decomposed. “One body was found yesterday, not identified. This brings the total number recovered to 28. Ten had been previously brought here and eight arrived last night.”

The Valencia Disaster

 Shipwreck on the West Coast Trail1. The Valencia Shipwreck on the West Coast Trail2. The Voyage Shipwreck on the West Coast Trail3. The Boats Shipwreck on the West Coast Trail4. The McCarthy Boat Shipwreck on the West Coast Trail5. The Bunker Party Shipwreck on the West Coast Trail6. On the Valencia Shipwreck on the West Coast Trail7. The Rafts Shipwreck on the West Coast Trail8. The Turret Raft Shipwreck on the West Coast Trail9. The Rescue Ships Shipwreck on the West Coast Trail10. The Aftermath Shipwreck on the West Coast Trail11. The Survivors Shipwreck on the West Coast Trail12. The Lost 

The West Coast Trail

Shipwreck on the West Coast TrailPrologue Shipwreck on the West Coast Trail1: The West Coast Trail Shipwreck on the West Coast Trail2: When to Hike & Fees Shipwreck on the West Coast Trail3: Trailheads Shipwreck on the West Coast Trail4: Getting There Shipwreck on the West Coast Trail5: Considerations Shipwreck on the West Coast Trail6: Campsites Shipwreck on the West Coast Trail7: Shipwrecks Shipwreck on the West Coast Trail8: Routes Shipwreck on the West Coast Trail9: Sights & Highlights

Many bodies were taken to the beach at Darling River to be picked up by boat. “The majority were in badly decomposed condition, some with part of the head and skull missing.” Another search began near the Valencia and no bodies were found, however “following where the sea-gulls were thickest found five bodies floating over a mile from the wreck.”  Lineman Logan reported a woman’s body was spotted in the breakers about 100 feet off shore, but they were unable to get close. “Lieut. Stromberg said he would get it if he had to swim for it. He and four men clambered over the rocks, and after many trials secured the body, but the rising water cut them off and they had to spend the night on the rocks without provisions. They were taken off the next day.”   While the Wyadda continued searching for bodies it became possible to take a close look at the Valencia and the unbelievably difficult location she came to be in. Van Wyck recalled, “When the Wyadda was bound down with the five bodies recovered by the Perry this morning she stopped off the wreck and we sent in a dory with two Nome beachmen who got off three bodies which Capt. Smith had ready. Capt. Patterson and myself, with some seamen again visited the wreck, and went to the inside of it, within fifteen feet of the high cliff, which is 150 feet high and with about 30 feet of an overhang – making it impossible for anyone who reached shore from the wreck to climb it.”

Sydney Van Wyck’s continued the story of the search for his sister, “The boat again went over the wreck and I broke off a piece of the spar. The hull was seen plainly, and its plates were seen broken. No bodies were seen. I sure that all is being done this is practicable, though if it were a more settled community more men and steamers could be secured to more adequately search for victims. There were some theories that my sister’s body have been looted of rings, and clothing, but I do not think so. I will leave tomorrow for San Francisco with my sister’s body, which has been positively identified, a local dentist having carefully examined her dental work and compared it with descriptions, and expect to reach San Francisco on Wednesday.”  

The Valencia Disaster Continued: 11. The Survivors

Best West Coast Trail Sights & Highlights

Best West Coast Trail Sights

The Valencia Disaster

A week after the wreck of the Valencia, The Daily Colonist of Victoria ran a cover story about the aftermath of the disaster and the horrific scenes that continued to be found. Sydney Van Wyck of ...
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The Valencia wrecked just before midnight on Monday, January 22nd, 1906.  Nearly 34 hours later, at 9am Wednesday morning the situation on the Valencia was horrific.  Battered by waves, the ship was ...
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When the survivors on the second raft were rescued by the Topeka just five hours into their ordeal and so close to death that they could barely stand, one of them asked about the first raft.  It was ...
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After the McCarthy boat was launched successfully and cleared the breakers at around 9am Tuesday January 23rd the captain, crew and passengers on the Valencia confidently expected men to soon appear ...
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West Coast Trail A to Z

Owen Point, at about the 67km mark on the West Coast Trail is home to a stunningly colourful and well hidden area of sandstone caves carved out by the ocean. Centuries of crashing waves have gouged out huge, circular openings in the cliffs jutting out into the ...
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William Philip Daykin was the first lightkeeper of the Carmanah Point Lighthouse from 1891 to 1912. In books and newspapers he is either written as Phil Daykin or W.P. Daykin. He and his wife Helen Strelley Marriott Daykin had five sons, Charles Thomas Daykin, ...
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There are quite a few books about West Coast Trail shipwrecks, though many of them are tough to find and written decades ago. Here is a list of the ones we have found with the best information on the often scarce history of many of the lesser known shipwrecks ...
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Darling Falls has to be the most overlooked and underrated feature of the West Coast Trail. It never even appeared in West Coast Trail guidebooks until recently and hardly any websites or blogs give it a mention. There are some good reasons for this. First, the ...
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The West Coast Trail by Day

Day 5 on the West Coast Trail is a stunning, very difficult and tremendously enjoyable day of hiking. Walbran Creek is gorgeous campsite to wake up to. Your tent will open up to a sweeping view of ...
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Amazing Whistler Hiking Trails

Explore BC Hiking Destinations!

The West Coast Trail

The West Coast Trail was created after decades of brutal and costly shipwrecks occurred along the West Coast of Vancouver Island.  One shipwreck in particular was so horrific, tragic and unbelievable that it forced the creation of a trail along the coast, which ...
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